Cements Chemical / Insurance / Investment in Defi System/ Marketing Consultancy

  • octothorpmarketingservices.com

  • 0674-3586770 / +91- 9938844566

  • octothorp2020@gmail.com

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Marketing Consultancy for Odisha

We have undertaken the marketing of an innovative product that will make a revolution in the cement and construction industry. A cement additive chemical in its powder from with technology from SWEDEN and manufactured in India. The product is GLYSOL.
It is used in Paver Blocks, Precast Concert Slabs, Hume pipes,Cement Bricks, RMC Industry. It can be used anywhere and everywhere OPC is used or where faster setting, faster initial strength, faster final strength and faster demoulding is required.
It converts the use of OPC TO PSC. There is net saving in procurement cost for per bag conversion of OPC to PSC. It reduces the cost of production.
Reduction of Cost of Production adds on to profits.
Faster demoulding increases productivity.
Faster achievement of Early Strength and Final Strength makes the work flow faster, saving time and cost.
For brick industry, it makes the finished product look good and drastically reduces Breakability.
For individual house owners, the use of this product will help him to have a higher grade of concrete and high strength maintenance free concrete roof.
Require CFA for all district of Odisha, Please contact us on availability.

Marketing Consultancy for GLYSOL